‘Hub-a-Palooza is a 3 day mountain bike festival that takes place at Beacon Hill (Camp Sekani) in Spokane, WA. Past participants would tell you that it is one of the BEST ways to start off your race season. With events going all day long, a schedule allowing riders to compete in all events if they so choose, you won’t find yourself sitting around for hours waiting for your start time.
This is our 8th Hub-a-Palooza, but our 16th year putting on this event at Beacon Hill. Over the years we have watched this event and the trail system that it operates on, flourish… We are excited to share some new trail developments with you, and show you why people make Beacon Hill a destination for riding nearly year-round.
Don’t forget about our OMNIUM PRIZE! We always have an extra special raffle for racers who compete in both downhill and the enduro event!’