Parent Guide

Weather Guidelines

Severe Heat (High of 100 degrees or higher): If weather predictions list the high temperature of the day to be 100 degrees or higher, riding for the day will be canceled.

Smoke and other air pollutants (AQI): If the AQI is orange (101-150) please take into consideration your personal risk factors and ride at your own risk. If the air quality index is red or purple (150 or higher), practice will be canceled.  

Rain and cold: If a rider is too wet, cold, or uncomfortable, parents or guardians will be contacted for early pick-up. We encourage parents to pack lots of warm and waterproof layers for their child on cold and rainy days.

Lightning: Rides may be delayed or canceled if there is a thunderstorm in the forecast or the lifts are put on a lightning hold. If a thunderstorm rolls in unexpectedly, safety measures will be taken. Please check Slack channels for updates.

Refund Policy

In cases of a season-ending injury, a pro-rated refund, less the cost of hard goods (kits) and the processing fee, will be offered.

Group Riding

Group riding must take into account everyone’s skills and interests. Safety and what is best for the group are our primary considerations. As such, your rider will be placed in a skill appropriate group. It is neither safe nor fun for a rider to be so far behind that the group is consistently waiting. There are several things wrong with this scenario. First, there is the rider who was over their head and probably scared, riding a trail too advanced for their current skills. That is a horrible feeling! It is also not ideal to have an entire group pulled to the side of a trail, waiting. Additionally, if there is a group consistently waiting, that detracts from everyone’s experience. Please, trust our judgment in placement; there is always room for adjustment as the season progresses. If you have questions on placement, please check out our Peaks of Rider Ability page.

  • Please be on time and ready with everything necessary for the day’s ride, including a functional bike, proper gear/equipment, and lift ticket/season pass. We teach and encourage the maintenance of our equipment as an expected part of biking. 

  •  If you are going to be late, please let your coaches know via Slack. They will make an attempt to meet up with you at a time that does not detract from the group’s experience. 

Please alert us to any medical conditions or medications your rider may require.

Events and Races

There is a Slack channel for each event. We will use that to coordinate rides, share lodging information, etc.

In brief, we primarily follow the NW Cup race series. We do our best to alert everyone when registration opens. To register, you will need a USA Cycle permit. You can buy an annual or one day pass here: 

If you have any questions regarding your rider’s category, reach out. Every race schedule is a little different in terms of which category practices at what time, announced by NWCup closer to the event. However, you can plan on practice days Friday and Saturday, races on Sunday.

For team riders registering for an event, list the following sponsors: Crown Gravity, Dharco, Great Northern Cycle, Legacy Bike Park, Deity, Schwalbe, and Sportsman & Ski Haus.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Don’t, we can help! If you have specific questions about what you should be looking for, reach out. This is kinda our thing.



Safety is paramount in all that we do at Crown. We teach safety in every aspect of the ride. Our equipment is the largest safety factor that we have control over. As parents, you obviously play a big part in this. 

  • We require a well maintained bike. If bike maintenance is not your thing, please bring your rider’s bike in for a pre-season tune up and regular service. We recommend the team at Great Northern Cycle or Sportsman & Ski Haus to make sure your wheels are true, your tires are aired up, and your brakes are bled. 


    • A = AIR – 20+ PSI MINIMUM




  • Hand disc brakes are also required, no coaster or pincher brakes.

  • Next, the body armor. A helmet is not something to skimp on; we ask that you invest in a full-face. We also recommend a neck brace and chest protector (required for racing), elbow and/or knee pads, gloves and sturdy, flat soled shoes.