Peaks of Rider Ability

Our peaks of rider ability are here to provide an idea of where your rider fits within the groups of Crown Gravity Collective. Our team groups are broken down according to these peaks. Though we do our best to group riders of similar age, we have found that it is safer and better for rider development to build groups using these peaks as our guide.

Mount Siyeh - Peak 5:

Peak 5 riders are comfortable on green trails. Working on building skills to ride on blue trails. Peak 5 should have a solid understanding of their bike and the systems involved. This includes a complete understanding of one or two finger braking on both the front (left) and rear (right) brakes and starting/stopping pedaling. As riders grow, they will begin to develop the strength to incorporate more skills including climbing, pumping, bike/body separation, standing while riding, cornering, trail scanning, braking, trail etiquette. Introduction to jumps, drops, and roll downs will also be included. 

Local trail examples:

Legacy: Casper, Radish, and  sections of Bluetiful and Dirt Herder.

Whitefish Bike Park: Kansas, Limelight, Money, and sections of Rush.

Spencer: Big Gulps Eh’ and sections of Otter Pop, Cliff Notes, and Maple Syrup.

Mount Jackson - Peak 4:

*Includes all trails, skills, and abilities of the Peak 5 rider.

Peak 4 riders enjoy riding blue trails and are able to ride the steeper and more technical sections on most blue trails. Comfortable with mild exposure. Includes working up to many black trails and will focus on more advanced skill development. Some of these skills include front and rear wheel lifts, jumping, drops, cornering, pumping, and controlling a slide. 

Local trail examples

Legacy: Casper, Radish, Bluetiful, Dirt Herder, Daisy and sections of Onyx and Drift Missile.

Whitefish Bike Park: Kansas, Limelight, Money, Rush, and sections of ZZ Top, Kashmir, Freebird, Brown Sugar, and Zeppelin.

Spencer: Big Gulps Eh’, Otter Pop, Cliff Notes, and sections of Maple Syrup and Flow Factory, and Malice in Plunderland.

Kintla Peak - Peak 3:

*Includes all trails, skills, and abilities of a Peak 5 and 4 rider.

Peak 3 riders enjoy riding all blue trails and are able to ride most black trails with minimal stopping or hesitation. Comfortable with moderate exposure. Skill work will include being self-sufficient on the trails, trail side bike repair as they occur, team building activities, controlled braking at speed on more advanced trails, cornering at speed and flat corners, air awareness, and increasing size and intensity of drops, rolls, and jumps. 

Local trail examples

Legacy: Casper, Radish, Bluetiful, Dirt Herder, Onyx, Daisy, and sections of Drift Missile, Borderline, Copycat, Jammerama and Slash-n-Burn.

Whitefish Bike Park: Kansas, Limelight, Money, Rush, ZZ Top, Kashmir, Freebird, Brown Sugar, Zeppelin, and sections of Pinball Wizard, GNR, Runaway Train, Cindee Loppers, Kenny Loggins, Maiden, Careless Whisper, and Classic Rock.

Spencer: Big Gulps Eh’, Otter Pop, Cliff Notes, Maple Syrup, Flow Factory, and sections of Malice in Plunderland and Recess.

Mount Stimson - Peak 2:

*Includes all trails, skills, and abilities of a Peak 5, 4, and 3 rider.

Peak 2 riders are comfortable on most black trails and some double black/red. They have flow and enjoy speed, jumps and drops. Comfortable and confident on steep and technical sections and handle exposure well. Peak 2 riders are confident and self-sufficient on trail and can handle basic trail-side repairs on their own. Skill work will include line choice, technical gapping for speed, high speed cornering, and freestyle tricks and techniques.

Local trail examples

Legacy: Casper, Radish, Bluetiful, Dirt Herder, Daisy, Onyx, Drift Missile, Borderline, Slash-n-Burn, Jammerama, Copycat, and sections of Forty.

Whitefish Bike Park: Kansas, Limelight, Money, Rush, ZZ Top, Kashmir, Freebird, Brown Sugar, Zeppelin, Pinball Wizard, GNR, Runaway Train, Cindee Loppers, Kenny Loggins, Maiden, Careless Whisper, and Classic Rock.

Spencer: Big Gulps Eh’, Otter Pop, Cliff Notes, Maple Syrup, Flow Factory, Malice in Plunderland, Recess, and sections of Spooky Petes.

Mount Cleveland - Peak 1:

*Includes all trails, skills, and abilities of a Peak 5, 4, 3, and 2 rider.

Peak 1 riders are comfortable and confident on all black and double black trails. They ride fast and smoothly with flow and style. Peak 1 riders challenge themselves with bigger jumps & drops, very steep sections, and high speeds. Perfectly comfortable on thin and exposed sections of trail. Skills work will include bigger tricks, high speed work in any and all aspects of trail riding and line choice. Peak 1 are serious athletes and can ride all day, every day at a working pace.

Peak 1 riders are comfortable on all local trails and confident in their ability to ride any new trail they come across.